You are currently viewing BULKING OF SAND TEST METHOD
Determination of bulking of sand


What is Bulking of Fine aggregate (Sand)?

The increase in volume due to increase in moisture content is known as sand bulking. A film of water is formed around the sand particles, which forces the particles to receive one side from the other and thus the volume increases.

Read more :

Determination of the percentage bulking of Sand

Test standard : IS 2386-Part 3 : 1963

Test Apparatus :

  1. 250 ml measuring cylinder
  2. Hot air electric oven

Test Procedure :

  • Take a representative quantity of sample of fine aggregate (sand) by quartering method.
  • Dry the sample to constant weight in hot air electric oven. Cool the sample & divide the sample in fractions of 250 gms test samples by quartering method.
Determination of bulking of sand
Determination of bulking of sand
  • Fill the measuring cylinder with 250gms of dry sample, consolidate by shaking & measure its height (say H0, ml). Remove the sample & again fill the cylinder with second fraction of same quantity of test sample prepared with 2 % moisture content.
  • Fill it again in measuring cylinder, consolidate by shaking & measure its height (say H2, ml). Repeat the same procedure by adding next fractions of test sample prepared with 4%, 6%, 8% moisture contents up-to its saturation point i.e between 20-30% & measure the height every time ( say H4, H6, H8….ml)
  • One fraction of test sample of 250gms shall also be filled in measuring cylinder & is saturated with water completely to fully submerge the sample. Measure the level of sample (say Hs, ml)

Bulking of aggregate at 0%, 2%, 4%………..moisture contents (%) = {(H0/Hs)-1} x100, {(H2/Hs)-} x100, {(H4/Hs)-1} x 100…………respectively.

Determination of bulking of sand
Bulking of sand

Values of Bulking (%) shall be at corresponding values of moisture content in a graph so that at any value of moisture content we can find out the bulking factor.

Test Format :

Bulking of sand
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Rajkumar ghagre

Founder & Admin of, I am a civil engineer working as a Engineer (QA/QC).

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