Particle size distribution of granular sub base material , Sieve analysis test of GSB IS 2386-Part 1

Sieve analysis of granular sub base material , IS 2386-Part 1

Test standard : IS 2386-Part 1

Test Apparatus :
  1. Weighing Balance
  2. IS sieves
Test Procedure :
  1. Take a representative air-dried sample by quartering method .
  2. Record its weight before sieving (i.e M, gms). Sieve the samples successively on the appropriate sieves starting from the largest.
  3. Record the Weigh of material retained on the each sieve together with the material cleaned from the mesh & record ( i.e M1, M2, M3, M4….gms)

% Retained on each sieve (R1, R2, R3….)={R1=(M1/M)x100, R2=(M2/M)x100, R3=(M3/M)x100……}

Cum % passing on each sieve (C1, C2, C3…)= {C1=(100-R1), C2=C1+(100-R2), C3=C2+(100-R3)..}

Minimum weight of sample according to Nominal Maximum size of aggregate  for sieve analysis:

63 mm -50,000 gms
50 mm -35,000 gms

40 mm -15,000 gms
25 mm -5,000 gms
20 mm -2,000 gms
12.5 mm -1,000 gms

10.0 mm -500 gms
4.75 mm -200 gms
2.36 mm- 100 gms
Table of Sieve analysis as per MORTH table 400-1
Gradation of GSB as per MORTH

Test Format:
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