Fineness test of Cement by dry sieving method 90 micron sieve

Fineness test of cement by dry siveing


90 micron is sieve for Fineness test of Cemet by dry sieving method

Test standard : IS 4031-Part 1
Test Apparatus :

  1. Balance of accuracy 0.01gm with capacity of minimum 10gms.
  2. 90micron IS Sieve.
  3. Nylon brush.
  4. Stopped jar.
  5. Tray.

Testing Procedure :

Agitate the sample of cement to be tested by shaking for 2 minutes in a stopped jar to disperse agglomerates.

Take about 10 gms of cement sample, say R1 gms & place it over the 90 micron IS Sieve fitted with a tray under the sieve. Fit the lid over the sieve and agitate the sieve by swirling, planetary and linear movement until no more material passes through it. Remove and weigh the residue, say R2, gms. Gently brush all the fine material off the base of the sieve into the tray.

Fineness of cement (%), expressed as a mass of residue left on 90 micron IS Sieve shall be

Test Result Calculation:

Fineness (%) = (R2/R1) x 100

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