How to calculate revised Cable Extension length for Prestressing

Stressing Calculation for Pre Stress concrete

Required details Revised Extension for cable length :
As per Design :

  1. Diameter of strands
  2. Area of Strand
  3. Modulus of Elasticity
  4. Design Extension for Cable
As per Third party Result or as per Practical :
  1. Diameter of strands
  2. Area of Strand
  3. Modulus of Elasticity

Other Requird data :

  1. Designed jacking Force
  2. Ram Area of Jack
  3. Jack Efficiency

Calculation Revised Extension for cable :

Modify Pressure = (Jacking force x Design jack efficiency / Jack ram Area x Actual efficiency )
Allowable Toterance = +- 5 %
Revised Extension for cable = Design Extention x (design area of strand / Actual Area of strands ) x (Design Modulus of Elasticity / Modulus of Elasticity as per Test )
Allowable Toterance = +- 5 %
Example :
How to calculate revised Cable Extension length for Prestressing
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